
Hey will.i.am - Give me a black eye, please!

Perez Hilton is a D-Lister who happened to get his status by being a celebrity blogger. He seems to get under celebs' skin, pushing the limits to get noticed, and to get his story. Apparently it works, as Hilton recently received a left-hook in a nightclub by the tour manager of The Black-Eyed Peas.
Perez's big claim to his red carpet fame was exclusively outing Lance Bass and NPH...yes, Neil Patrick Harris, AKA, Doogie.

Parts of this don't seem fair.
Part I - Lance Bass. C'mon. Really? He owns exclusive rights to that one?
Part II - OK, NPH. I didn't really see that one coming, and I will give credit when credit is due...or did he really pen this one? I mean, does he do research? And if so, what kind of research, that is mentionable on a PG-13 blog, did he do? Do you just need to throw a dart on a wall of celebrities, out them, and you're famous? If that's the case, why aren't more bloggers famous?
And the following celebrities are now gay - Clay Aiken, Ellen, Billie Jean King, Perez Hilton, Elton John, Chaz Bono, Andy Dick, half of the band 98*, and the guy in roller skates and tiny shorts on Reno 911.**

Part III - Does this mean he is nothing more than a glorified, e-trash man?
Is this all Perez does? He stakes his claims and collects his paycheck?
He either is the jerkiest jerk who ever did jerk, or an absolute genius. I'm still trying to figure this one out.

Why is society so obsessed with personal lives? I mean, why do Hilton, paparazzi, the readers of the trashy mags, and TMZ even care who somebody in the limelight loves? To me, that's all it simplifies and deconstructs down to. They care more about the heart, something people can't control, over the mouth, something people should control.

They don't seem to care about particular religions (although the Madonna/ Torah episode was just odd), they care about their political affiliation and beliefs only when given a microphone on the side of their Oscar when ratings are involved, and they have an odd and somewhat sick obsession with getting the first picture of the star's newborns.

They fall in love with them on screen, stage, or the field, and some develop into an even deeper, unhealthy, unrequited love. They begin following, writing and snapping about every little detail, then scrutinizing their every action or inaction.

We love our celebrities and appreciate them for what they do. I don't understand how people think that is a free ticket to harass, stalk, and possibly create another Princess Di scenario. We don't hound librarians, Apple store techs, or the Vietnamese guy down the street who makes the most beautiful and tasty pho. Though I'd like to, I've learned things: Sharing is Caring; Respect Other People's Privacy; Everybody Has Their Own Personal Bubble; and Don't Stalk.
I believe paparazzi and trash mags are nothing more than a middle school level of love and jealousy that have no form to vent.

Think back to your first crush. When you liked someone and made them a crappy Valentine only to find out they liked someone else, what did you do? Created sabotage. You spread a rumor, something that is really petty as you look back on it. Something along the lines of "that guy has an extra belly button". Then you'd wait in the wings to be the shoulder to cry on and be there to pick up the pieces. It's the whole "if I can't have you, nobody can" complex. It's not right, but fortunately most of us grow out of it during our Elementary School Continuation.
Those who don't grow up and work for TMZ.
Or change their names to sound like an exotic version of a millionaire heiress'.

**The aforementioned celebrities may or may not be actually gay. I hold no responsibility if they are not; however, if they are, you are witness to the exclusive outings of said famous people.**

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